Звезда PlayBoy, Светлана Прохорова снялась для обложки журнала SEXY
Невероятная схожесть с кукольным эталоном и столь редкий высокий показатель IQ – все это гармонично сочлось у Светланы. За светлый цвет волос, от природы большие голубые глаза и узкое лицо ее прозвали живой Барби. Многие бы сочли это за комплимент, но только не Светлана. Девушка давно свыклась к повышенному вниманию относительно своей персоны. Яркая блондинка, не только привлекает своей идеальной внешностью, но и удивляет своей эрудированностью и проницательной интуицией. Она признается, что владеет даже экстрасенсорными способностями.
Феномен Jane Favsty
Despite the fact that at the time of the 21st century, where every modern person has a camera, and the number of photographers is already out the limits of China and our Galaxy, high-quality, and truly artistic photography has not lost the value. Evgeniya Favstritskaya, under the pseudonym Jane Favsty, a well-known photographer-artist and model, in one person. Thanks to this, the girl was able to experience the art of photography on both sides. Her first knowledge in this field, she began at the age of 14 in the Lyceum on the course of professional photography - the old school of masters. The magical world of analog shooting and printing is a deep understanding of the basics of photo art, and now many photographers do not even know about this concept, how
to draw with light.
I’m a boutique and invest in the quality, the «mass market»
is another phenomenon for me
The field of professional activity of the photographer is an advertising photo, shooting of image portraits, art-shooting, mixed technique digital photo - augmented reality, fashion and shooting of tasty food. Eugene’s creativity has long been appreciated outside of her native country. The girl receives orders not only in Russia, but also in many cities in Europe and America. Today she has her own studio of the same name Favsty studio and constantly upgrades the qualification, confirming the status of a professional specialist. In addition to photography, the girl does not neglect psychology, where she also has an education. Analytical psychology, the psychology of achievements and values, a person and society - all seriously interest her. Possessing a colossal energy and potential, Eugenia is in anticipation of new achievements and victories.
АРСЕНИЙ МОРОЗ: новые города, страны, новые вершины
Светловолосый статный мальчик появился на горизонте пляжа «Portofino». Вот он идет, вальяжно держа руки в карманах...
Весь его гардероб влитую сочетаем с его внутренней харизмой. Это не спроста... Парень успел покорить весь мир...
Возможно фраза «успел покорить весь мир» слишком громкая, но это правда. В свои неполных 12 лет Арсений Мороз стал чемпионом мира такого престижного вида спорта как спортивно-бальные танцы. А еще кандидатом в мастера спорта, победителем чемпионатов Европы, знаменитого турнира среди танцоров в городе Блекпул (Англия), звездой талант-шоу «Круче всех» на телеканале «Интер» и не только. Об Арсение можно много еще написать.
Мария Белова - творчество, искусство, спорт
The life of MARYA BELOVE - a talented journalist of the print press, the website and the local TV channel, is filled with creativity, art, sports and traveling.
Today she is a specialist in the media projects department of one of the world’s leading companies. The girl is not only a real professional in her field, but also a creative person with many original hobbies. After all, since childhood she used to do everything with a hint of creative immediacy. Drawing graphic miniatures, the culture of the east, the folk motifs of the ancient peoples of Asia - all these a small list of her interests. But the girl herself is no less fascinating persona: without any embarrassment, she walks along the street in embroidered, knitted and colorful outfits, and in jewelry she prefers natural minerals - pearls, amethyst, jasper, agate, amber, jade and others. Like a bright ray of the sun, she stands out among the dull gray mass, painting life in bright colors.
Виктория Каретникова и бренд Amarosso Crown
ictoria Karetnikova - model and winner of several titles of national and international beauty contests, including Missis Beauty Samara 2016; Grand-Prix Mrs. International 2017; Grand-Prix Top Model Universe Beauty 2018. The dazzling beauty of the crown turned her head, and inspired to create unique masterpieces by the name of her own brand Amarosso Crown. “First of all, as a woman, I love luxury jewelry. Secondly, as a participant and winner of many beauty contests, I managed to try on and feel the luxury of this product. Now we are actively developing designs and creating models that are unique. I dream that every beautiful girl has a crown created by my hands!”
Миссис Кемерово и Вице-Миссис России, Виктория Сарапова: За веру и добро!
Victoria Sarapova has become one of the most titled representatives of her region. The winner of crowns and high-profile titles in beauty contests are Mrs. Kemerovo and Vice Mrs. Russia, twice awarded the Person and Company of the Year award, the For Faith and Good medal from the Governor of the Kemerovo Region, as well as the winner in the Woman of the Year nomination for regional site of Kuzbass. Her works and active life position were not left aside. Today, the girl represents the interests of the Planet of Women Foundation and the Mrs. Russia contest, and is also the director of Mrs. Kemerovo in Kuzbass. She is happy to do what I love, and in my career there were a lot of unforgettable moments - from receiving an award to honorable places in the list of influential people. But one of the most valuable is the work with charitable and public organizations, like Mother Russia. She manage to use my influence to change our country for the better.
Участница реалити-шоу ДОМ-2, Юлия Маслова и ее жизнь в стиле Dolce Vita
Ambition, faith in your strength and the desire to live life to the fullest is what makes every day bright and colorful and helps to achieve success in everything you touch. “Dolce Vita” - this way of life has chosen our heroine, otherwise it is simply impossible, because she lives in sunny Italy. A fashion model, a professional master of nail service and an incredibly versatile girl, Yulia Maslova, told us about her vivid and sometimes extreme life. «I always find new hobbies and do not sit still. I try to find time for everything that interests me and that I like. At the moment it is a modeling business. Previously, I worked in the beauty industry, I have the experience of about twelve years. I was attracted by the opportunity to implement all possible ideas of photographers and my own. Regarding the key factors, body and height parameters are important for each model. It is important to be loved by camera. No stiffness and fear».
Юлия Кутюкова: дорога в большой спорт
The way to the big sports was intended for her from the cradle, because in the family where the mother is a professional volleyball player, chances of not having a sports gene are very small. Yulia Kutyukova is a successful player in the Super League of Volleyball Club Lokomotiv. Her thoughts, body and spirit are imbued with struggle, because sport is a daily work on yourself. But sometimes you have to pay for success, these are the laws of sport. After all, there are such injuries, after which you must leave it, but this is not her plot. The girl understands that after the past, her life will not be the same. What does not kill us, makes us stronger — this is the main driving principle. Today, Yulia discovers different directions, one of which is diving. Being a certified diver, she plans to improve her skills and become a true professional. But behind a strong character, hides a real creative person. Not so long ago, the girl discovered the world of fashion and beauty, and is now training to be a makeup artist.
Юлия Руднева призывает к Медицине Без Границ!
In our passing and intense time, it is very important to lend a helping hand. Yulia Rudneva Medical Center has been in top positions for more than eight years, having enlisted support and cooperation with more than 2000 partner clinics around the world. The owner of the company calls for - Medicine Without Borders! This may be the motto of the XXI century. After all, the principle of openness of international medical centers provides an opportunity to receive qualified assistance from experienced professionals in the treatment of any diseases. Today, many years later, the girl never regretted her decision. After all, her good deeds, come from the will of God, and she feels it. Today, a collaboration with the famous composer and singer Igor Shiyanov brings the results - the opening of the Sputnik production center in Moscow. A place for children and adults with a completely new musical theme. The project immediately gained success with the younger generation. An example of this is Julia’s son, who, in a very short period of time, mastered vocal and is already performing at the famous concert venues in Moscow. The premiere of his new video “My Heart Is Moscow” will be released very soon. «Producing always keeps me in a positive mood, medicine helps always to be in a great shape, communication in completely different business circles helps me to expand my horizons».
Вероника Аглашевич & Aglashay Family
Businesswoman, founder of the family center AGLASHAY Family, 1 Vice Miss beauty contest «Beauty of Russia» 2017 and also BEST MODEL 2017 - Veronika Aglushevich. If after that we were asked to characterize this girl with just one word, we would say “perfect”. This concept includes harmony of soul and body. She got everything - beauty, mind, charisma. But to achieve this state, the girl persistently makes a contribution to herself, without losing a minute. «Keep all… This is the most difficult. I want to do everything! And everywhere! Probably because I am very ambitious, and that’s why, I manage what many others fail. For our own purposes, we must go to victory, never stop. Only then you can achieve everything you want. My morning begins with the fact that I look at my daily plan. I carefully approach this issue, because all my deals are difficult to count - modeling, foreign languages, business projects, various courses and trainings».
Opening a family brand AGLASHAY Family was not long in coming. This is a unique center of family and relationships, whose mission is to improve relationships between loving parents and children using top methods of modern psychology.