Светлана Сычева и ее мега-стильный лук на страницах МОДНОГО ДОМА
Self-improvement and personal development is the main path to an interesting and rich life. It is not easy to be multifaceted, because you need to constantly learn, work on yourself and open new horizons. A lawyer, an economist, a makeup artist, a participant in beauty contests and television projects, in a word, a successful business woman and a mother of two wonderful sons, Svetlana Sycheva, told us about her extensive creative activities and life in the non-stop mode.
In addition to a serious dossier, Svetlana has a huge creative potential. She struck with her beauty and musical talent of judges at numerous beauty contests and won titles: First Vice-Mrs Kemerovo 2016, Mrs. Smile of Russia 2016, Top 100 beautiful and successful Lady of the city, and in 2017 she became the winner of the 1st annual award of X successful Kuzbass women. Moreover, the girl herself is on the list of honorary jury of Mrs Kemerovo, Mrs Kuzbass, Young Beauty of Kuzbass contests. In her experience of shooting in such lusters as Expensive Pleasure, Belissimo, Insight, Telehit. Model Kuzbass Fashion Week, as well as a participant in projects of different levels - Day of Brides Kemerovo, Mrs Kemerovo, Mrs Russia.
Having no small experience for the soul, and a successful career, the girl is convinced that under any circumstances it is necessary to remain feminine, feel confident, stop feeling sorry for yourself, not be lazy, complete all your undertakings, rejoice in every day and give positive things to other people.
Ксения Балобанова: нести добро в мир и открывать сердца людей!
All that we need is to distribute energy correctly, to realize our talents, to enjoy every moment of life, to love and admire the world around us.
А true woman radiates a special inner beauty that cannot be achieved with the help of cosmetics and external attributes. When a woman connects with her feminine energy, she becomes able to be herself. How to create harmonious relationships, increase self-confidence and self-love, awaken femininity and raise happy children to these and other questions, knows the answers the female world guru, psychologist, individual and family counselor, expert in the field of relationship psychology, author and trainer, as well as numerous seminars and workshops for women - Ksenia Balobanova. Her mission is to bring good into the world and open people’s hearts for love, she realized in her brainchild - the Training Center of Vasily and Ksenia Balobanov. This is the only professional training center in Russia, where happy married couple, who have been together for 17 years, conduct classes. Since the center opened its doors, it has immediately become the second home for its visitors. This is confirmed by many clients who have experienced and confirmed the effectiveness of these methods. Also, Ksenia shared the great news that not so long ago, they created and registered a charitable foundation to help people in difficult life situations “You are important”. After all, only by good actions, you can change the world for the better.
Мария Шатова: вся правда о женщинах в бизнесе
How many emotions, feelings and sense are in two words «successful woman». She can be gentle and caring, capricious and stubborn, kind and sensitive, but always strong and patient. Our heroine simply cannot afford to be in a bad mood, because she is the head manager of the travel agency “Goldentour”, and the atmosphere in the company depends on her mood and radiant smile. A modern business woman and a true professional in her business, Maria Shatova boldly combines the role of a strict manager. As a child, she studied for two years in Switzerland, which allowed the girl to learn three languages at once - English, French and German. In 2017, Maria participated in the large project “IV General Assembly of the World Organization of Electronic Governments of Cities and Local Authorities (WeGO)” and once again made sure that she was moving in the right direction. Having reached considerable heights, she does not forget to thank her relatives for support and wants to provide them with a carefree old age.
Вероника Агафонова - бизнес-леди из Санкт-Петербурга
Вusiness lady from St. Petersburg Veronika Agafonova has been devoting herself to her beloved activity for seven years now. It all started back in her youth, when, at the age of 21, Veronica opened the School of Rock in her native St. Petersburg and then later launched a boutique of dresses in Moscow, IT agency AG CRM and accounting company IVI Consult. Veronica is sure that if something is given to you from above, then it is worth sharing with the environment. That is why she shares her business experience in instagram account, where she tells how and where to start a business, how to choose a profitable niche and how to promote your business to instagram. Veronica’s mission is to develop women’s entrepreneurship in Russia.
Жанна Силмарк: Начните писать новую, качественную историю своего успеха
How to achieve success and maximum financial results in business? How to increase your efficiency and to learn to think big? How to build many business connections with influential people around the world? Do you think impossible? Getting to know about Zhanna Silmark, you will forever change your attitude towards life and realize that all limits are only in our heads. International professional, well-known career and life coach, specialist in generative technologies, HR consultant and author of the best blog, whose audience includes about 150,000 followers.
There are supermen - coaches who can teach to use the necessary tools and start the changes from the most important thing - from the inside. One of these tools are Zhanna Silmark’s trainings, a business and life coach of international class, whose unique methods and individual approach have helped many people to change their lives and start writing a new qualitative story of their success. She will tell about a new concept - thinking, with the help of which you will be able to reprogram your life and achieve your desired goals. The girl herself was climbing up the career ladder of success - a strong family, a successful early career as a top manager, dozens of clients for coaching and consulting, continuous development and study with the world’s strongest professionals in the field of psychology, coaching and business. Zhanna is now finishing her studies at the magistracy of Kingston University in London in the direction of International HR management. Receiving feedback from clients, she realizes that she is doing the right thing and realizing an important life mission. So, welcome!
Меня зовут Ольга, я изучаю себя, путешествую, завожу общение с незнакомыми внезапными людьми, чаще всего они становятся интересными собеседниками. Обожаю мотоциклы и кабриолеты, качественную обувь, а лучше босиком, так как в этом чувствую себя свободной. Люблю просто быть счастливой и делать то, что хочу “HAVE FUN AND MAKE MONEY” и у меня это не плохо получается.
Татьяна Милько и ее танцевальная карьера
TATIANA MILKO is a multifaceted girl whose creative activity has no limits. She is a model, a philologist of English and French, a dancer, and in each of these areas she managed to achieve high results. Titles: 2nd Vice Miss «Pearl of Russia - Sevastopol 2018»; “The Pearl of Russia“ - Internet sympathy ”according to ForPost readers News of Sevastopol Mass Media + Poster, Sevastopol 2018; «Pearl of Russia - Grace of the Year» Sevastopol 2018, entered the top four winners of the «Million Portraits» contest in Crimea, who won the publication in the magazine «Live Well» (August-September 2016).
Victories at the competitions: IDF Ranking European cup 2014, Crimean dance trophy 2014, Oriental star Festival of Oriental dance 2015 (nomination for Adults Tribal Solo 2 League), Oriental star festival of Oriental dance 2015 (nomination Adult-Show, duet) , Open championship of Sevastopol in oriental dance, XV Jubilee Festival of Oriental Dance “Nefertiti” 2015, Oriental dance festival “Welcome to Crimea” 2017.
I am always looking for new ways of development as a model, a philologist, a dancer, and simply as a person. I have been dancing since I was six years old and still continue, as dancing makes my life better, brighter and richer. Dance is a state of mind, constant movement and life. For more than five years I have been studying spiritual psychology, several times a month I participate in various trainings and seminars. I believe that a person must first know himself and bring into this world as much color, talent, light, love and goodness as possible ...
Яна Равликовская о хобби, принципах и планах
From 2014, Yana Ravlikovskaya begins to take part in beauty contests, where she represents Ukraine at the international level. Now the girl is 25 years old and after she received the title of «Miss International» at the beauty contest «Miss Ukraine 2014», the girl managed to visit Tokyo, and later other countries. However she is going to link her future with a project that will be inquisitive for many women. But so far does not give it publicity.
The girl cooks well, and tries to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. She is open to the world and appreciates qualities such as humor, sincerity, and the presence of your own point of view. Yana is sure that she is not ready to devote all herself to career. After all, a person obsessed with work cannot fully enjoy life, hobbies and relationships. And this, after all, is very important.
Супермодель Юлия Павликова снялась для обложки 71-го номера МОДНОГО ДОМА
Как с нуля выстроить успешную «модельную империю», стать руководителем одного из ведущих агентств MFD Model Agency и самой большой Детской модельной школы в Крыму, наладить связи с влиятельными людьми по всему Земному шару и организовывать первоклассные конкурсы красоты. Думаете, невозможно? Прочитав интервью Юлии Павликовой, вы навсегда измените свое отношение и поймете, что все ограничения находятся только у нас в голове...
Ольга Оксенюк: стать первоклассным визажистом - моя мечта!
Despite the lack of support in the desire to become a make-up artist from her parents and spouse, Olga, in her thirties, decided to quit the unloved work of an economist and devoted herself to the lifelong dream — the desire to become a makeup artist. Despite the fact that the girl was born in the Ryazan region but then moved to Voronezh, her plans are far from provincial: the master is going to improve her skills with top makeup artists in Russia and Europe. In addition to all this, Olga’s most important achievement is her children - beautiful sons, whom she tries to bring up real men.