Mrs. St. Petersburg International 2013
MRS. NORTH of RUSSIA 2014 (Miami)
MRS. Russia World (USA)
Mrs. Europe 2015 (USA)
Confident and purposeful, successful and famous. Rarely manages to take an interview with the most fatal beauty, because the main character of this issue of a magazine - a recognized prima, beauty queen, socialite Russian diva. But we certainly will use this great chance and ask her about all the important aspects and nuan- ces of life. Our guest is a girl, who is envied by many, respected and valued in the world of high fashion. Meet Snezhana Baranova!
M.D.: Snezhana, hello! We are very pleased to communicate with the owner of numerous titles.
S.B.: To begin, I would like to ask when did your beauty become open to the world? This happened in October 2013, in the contest «Mrs. St. Petersburg». For me it was an unexplored area, where, as it seemed to me, you can unleash your creativity and use this success to launch other projects important to me. Yes, I had already made plans (laughs)!
M.D.: Tell us about your first beauty contest.
S.B.: I participated in many beauty contests, gained victories, but, of course, the first contest, which was called «Mrs. St. Petersburg», I remember the most. In part, due to the fact that it was my debut and it was my start in the creative plan. It was a bright and exciting theatrical performance that was memorable to me and my family.
M.D.: Among the many competiti-ons in which you have participated and won, what kind of competition could you note?
S.B.: The most special was the contest «Mrs. Intercontinental 2015» or «Mrs. all over the world» - an international beauty contest, which has a half-century history. It was held in Mexico. I was able to become the first Russian woman in the entire history of the contest, which was able to win and become the most beautiful woman in Europe and the World.
M.D.: Open the secret of how to become a beauty queen?
S.B.: Well, of course, the first thing that comes to mind - a woman must be really very beautiful. But the classic appearance - this is not the all. After all, the beauty - the many - sided concept. Beautiful is one who takes care of herself. Beautiful is one who is familiar with the etiquette. Beautiful is one who knows how to express their thoughts and have a sense of tact. Beautiful we call people who are able to feel and see the beauty, because the soul - it is a huge component of this concept. Beautiful woman - a gentle woman, feminine. And these qualities appear with motherhood. Beauty - it is when you love life, and even in gray, you know how to find the bright colors. Genuine beauty - it is good. To be beautiful means to be hard-working. These are required facets of beauty that women need to become a «beauty queen».
M.D.: What is the secret of your success? After all, you are no doubt already successful woman.
S.B.: With regard to beauty contests, I have reached the desired results, and quite happy! I’m one of that people who does not just dream, but also embodies the dreams into reality. I constantly work to achieve the desired results. My victories in beauty contests have created an excellent foundation for my other projects in film and television, and, of course, advertising. I also participate in fashion shows, various fashion weeks. This happens not only in St. Petersburg, but also abroad.
M.D.: It is known that you have a loving husband and baby daughter. How do you keep the family hearth?
S.B.: For me, as for the mother and wife, of course, in the first place is always the family. In the ideal family reigns mutual understanding and respect. I was taught this from childhood. I am lucky that next to me there is a very kind, honest and responsible person who supports me in all my endeavors. Family life has taught me to be grateful for everything that is happening around. This, perhaps, helps to build a career, raise a daughter and to take care of her husband.
M.D.: How do you maintain the beauty? Sport, diet, rules?
S.B.: Woman has three components of beauty. Physical beauty - it is something that concerns her appearance. Interior is expressed by her character and spiritual beauty – it’s her thoughts. Only if these three components are in harmony with each other, we can call a beautiful woman in an absolute sense. My beauty - in my sincerity, sociability and goodwill! My appearance affects my mood, well-being, overall health. And this relationship is mutual: the better I look, the better I feel. And the better I feel, the more beneficial it affects the condition of the skin and hair. To be pleased with my reflection in the mirror as long as possible and face and body skin has the freshness and elasticity, requires a valid and comprehensive care daily. It consists of cleansing the face, moisturizing, nourishment and protection from the effects of adverse factors, and, of course, sports facilities, such as gym and pool.
M.D.: What principles do you practice in the education of your daughter?
S.B.: I bring up my daughter to be kind, sympathetic and decent. At this stage - it’s the most important thing. In the education of children personal example is very important: more you explain and show by example, then less will have to be punished. But the main thing for me - is that she grew a full and happy girl. Of course, a lot of emphasis I do on the cultural development of the child: we often visit museums, exhibitions, beautiful places, parks and more. Vicky with pleasure learns the history and culture of St. Petersburg. She grows fully developed child.
M.D.: What qualities do you value the most in a man?
S.B.: The main thing - the ideal man must be reliable and true to his word. He should be able to do all male things. Well, you know it, drill, nails, trees, cars, and others. He must love his woman and children as well as being highly motivated and rebellious to fate, no matter how angry it was. For men willpower is important in achieving his aims, character of the fighter, ability to lead, rather than subordinate, the ability to win respect, not to omit others, the ability to develop himself. Responsibility for everything that happens in his life and in the lives of his children and wife perfect man takes over.
M.D.: What would you wish to our readers?
S.B.: I would like to wish that they were loved, and their eyes burn with determination. I want them to have confidence in themselves and in their own abilities, the relevance and success. I believe that only with such a combination of love and career woman can be truly happy. Learn how to enjoy everything that is happening around you in your life more fun, sincere smiles and people who will remain with you forever. Remember: your future depends only on you!