At present, Lana Sheikina is rightfully recognized as the youngest icon of fashion and style in Russia. She knows a lot about dresses and photos. Despite her 7 years, she is keenly interested in the latest trends in the fashion world as well as predicted to have a great model future. From an early age the girl regularly participates in children’s fashion shows in St. Petersburg under various projects, such as SILVER BELLS, DLT KIDS FASHION DAY, AURORA KIDS. Having started her career in 5 years, she is a model of the children’s model agency «Macaronis kids». Bold and open girl, able to embody any luxury fiction, or designer fantasy, freely poses for flashes of photographic lenses. In addition to the podium, Lana is a very creative child - singing and drawing are given to her so easily as the magnificent images for glossies.
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 08:07