M.D.: Valeria, despite your model parameters, you have quite a feminine body shapes. It bothers you, or vice versa, helps in modeling business?
V.S.: Yes. Indeed, I have a very feminine body shapes. You can even say Latin figure. Rounded hips, wasp waist. I’m often compared to Kim Kardashian (laughs). That is too much, of course. In my opinion, such a shape cannot be achieved through the power workouts or special diets. That the matter of genetics. The funny thing is that these days people have started to amaze me with such questions as: «Do you feel comfortable with implants in the buttocks?». Or, for example: «Where and with whom have you made such an ass?». I can respond on it impeccably, that the nature itself has gifted me with such an appearance.
The Brazilian buttocks lifting is currently one of the most popular procedures. Women go for great sacrifices just to please men.
M.D.: We know that you are fond of cooking, and even visit the corresponding courses. But how do you manage to combine the incompatible things: modeling and cooking?
V.S.: Cooking is my passion! I love to travel and taste the cuisine of the various countries of the world. This summer I’ve spent in France. My favorite city of love is Paris. It has conquered me with its touch. In France, cooking is an art. After such gastronomic pleasures, I’ve got a dream to study at the courses of Le Cordon Bleu legendary School of Culinary Arts.
Now, I’m attending the courses at the Culinary Academy in Moscow for three months already. Probably, the stereotypes were created to be broken by us. I love to cook and delight my loved ones. It seems to me that it does not depend on the age or profession. It’s all is built into us by God. My husband would be constantly amazed and delighted by my culinary achievements. Cooking is a great and most sophisticated art. It includes all of our five senses and adds to them the sixth one - a need to give all the best that is in us to the others.
M.D.: What helps you to keep in shape?
V.S.: First of all, I’ve a healthy lifestyle. To be feminine to me is, at first and foremost the absence of bad habits. Early awakening, 1.5 hours of yoga in the morning, and my batteries are charged for the whole day.
The second is correct and rational nutrition. I try to eat 5 times a day. No diets and no calories counting. I just eat less milk, flour and sweet products. I just love fresh juices and smoothies.
The third are power loads and workout in the gym and running. This summer I’ve started to practice such type of workout as Cross-Fit. It is a complex of different sporting disciplines. It helps me not to only keep the body toned, but also to be more resilient in everyday life.
M.D.: You’ve been engaged in gymnastics for 6 years. Why have you leaved the sport?
V.S.: After awhile, I’ve realized that a great sport is not for me. I now find any active sports very attractive, but because of work and lifestyle I restrict myself with yoga and plastic trainings. Sports occupies a large part of my life, but I’m not ready to sacrifice all other things just for the sake of it.
M.D.: Did the gymnastics helped you to arrange your further life?
V.S.: Gymnastics was the beginning of my future model career, because at that stage I’ve changed my lifestyle and learned to control my body and I’ve changed the schedule of my day and improved self-discipline.
M.D.: How exactly have you been engaged into the modeling business?
V.S.: I would like to start by saying that becoming a model is the dream of my childhood. As in kindergarten and at school, I was the highest child. Often, many mates and friends and neighbors said that I may become a great model, because I fit this position by all the parameters: appearance, stature, personality. At the age of 14 years I’ve been invited to the modeling school. Indeed that was a start of my modeling career. At the model school I’ve learned a lot of interesting things. I’ve learned how to walk correctly and work on camera and became more liberated and started to feel confident in public. I’ve graduated from the modeling school and received the relevant knowledge. We’ve shoot my first portfolio. It has become something like a passport of my modeling maturity.
M.D.: What about the beauty contests? In fact, given your appearance, it would be just a sin not to talk about that...
V.S.: I believe that such practices as the beauty contests are very important for a successful model. I’ve participated in such beauty contests as «Miss Eurasia», «Miss Bikini», «Miss Moscow Beauty», etc. Now I’ll try to explain why are the beauty contests so important:
a) You’re trying your hand in front of a large audience, as well as disclose your talents;
b) The media attention is concentrated over you;
c) You do constantly replenish your portfolio.
But there is one big BUT: despite the fact that competitions are supported by various government agencies and partners, and there are always different jury members, they all are purely commercial, and there’s no basis for justice.
M.D.: What plans for the future do you have? Do you intend to build a career in the modeling business?
V.S.: One of my favorite expressions is: «We assume, but God disposes». I hope you know what I mean! I do not to make plans for the future. Now, I’m living that and I like it. The farther you will see. Generally, there’s one secret of mine: one of my dreams is to open my own restaurant with an authentic cuisine. There is even already the concept of such an establishment.
M.D.: You’re visiting a school of acting. Is it serious? Or that’s just a passion?
V.S.: Before I’ve accidentally come to the casting, and I’ve been approved to the role in one Ukrainian TV series, I’d been thinking that acting is a complete nonsense and have thought that it’s very simple for me to play a role. But the real work on camera was just a challenge for me. I’ve got a quite dramatic role of a typical emotional teenager. By the role, I had to transfer harshly from the state of joy and delight into the hysterics. Here I’ve started to swarm in my psychic and to look for an appropriate emotion. That was not so simple! But I achieve the great pleasure by playing the role and being in the acting craft in general - that’s the chance to live the experience of another person. I’d love to reach such a skill level for being able to call the smile or tears of the viewers, because only if you can provoke a real heartfelt emotions you are successful. Now, I’ve entered the Academy of Acting in Moscow and want to improve my skills and abilities.
M.D.: What is your education? Have you chosen your profession independently?
V.S.: As a child, I like many other girls have dreamed of becoming a princess or a singer or a model. But when I grew up, I started to think about choosing a profession in which there would be connected the interest, prestige and the decent wages. My choice felt on the Faculty of Journalism.
M.D.: It turns out that you’re now full time studying? How do you manage to keep up with all that activities? Please, share a secret.
V.S.: First of all, the profession of journalist is quite interesting and active. It attracts me so that I would not be sitting at one place. Because our life is a movement. In addition, that is a good opportunity to see the world, to try and learn something new and unexplored. If you’re a motivated and positive person, the journalist profession would bring the only pleasures! In addition, the profession of journalist is a creative search, that provides a valuable experience. Another advantage of selected profession is that I can write the articles so that people would be captured by its spirit and threw all the occupations and read all the article. Now, I do not possess this talent temporarily to the extent that would be fine. But the perfection has no limits! A few more years and I would be ready for full creative debut on the pages of one of the well-known publications.
M.D.: How do you feel about your family?
V.S.: The closest people to me are my family. I really love them. My family is my home. That place is I return after long trips. It is a place of memories and stability. Here I obtain the protection and unconditional love in the midst of worldly calmess storms, as well as the joy which surpasses everything!
M.D.: Please, name three most important persons in your life?
V.S.: My grandmother. Such is the life that she has raised and taught me from the early ears. She is a very wise and kind woman, to whom I owe everything. There probably are no such kind and honest people as she is. I would just dream to absorbed even a part of that light, she is emoting today. My success is not only my diligence and perseverance of the temper. That is the result of her hot and persistence prayers.
Of course, my mother, who has gave me the life. I have very close relations with her. I can tell her everything. She understands my humor and we almost never do conflict.
My beloved. Here without much comments (laughs).
M.D.: We know you have a little friend. Tell us a little about it (the dog).
V.S.: Really. I have a small york. Many people now have such dogs, but mine is a real friend and a security guard. I don’t know how I’ve managed to save these qualities in it and incredible love for affection. He probably is similar to me in something. Do not play with me, but don’t forget to please!
M.D.: Do you have the principles, through which you won’t cross?
V.S.: I think my excessive adherence to the principles was not at once a pretext for quarrels and conflicts with other people. I put myself into strict limits and stay with this direction for the whole life. The basic principle is not to do such things to people, that you wouldn’t wish to yourself. This wisdom is particularly relevant in modeling business. About the rest that’s honesty and openness. I can’t lie and hate falseness.