The story is about how famous Ukrainian performer Dmitry Monatik (Monatik), embodied the dream of a little girl named Angelina.
o begin with, the concert in the Sports Palace was incredibly stunning, the round scene with the podiums a little lower, the energetic ballet and incendiary backing vocals, the show business stars, the artist’s friends in the vip sector and the disabled children as spectators in the hall, who came to get a dose of vitamin D. By the way, the show was called not as otherwise as the eponymous single of Dmitry «Vitamin D». As Monatik himself explained, this solar vitamin is not enough for us, for only 90 days lasts the summer period of the year. And the sun tends to give positive and a sense of celebration. Personally, I was amazed not only by the atmosphere and the impact of the performer. And also the songs themselves, which were filled with wise content. In addition to social hits, all fell in love, there was a premiere of new high-quality singles. Dmitry remembered that it seemed not so long ago he was selling leaflets near the Sports Palace, and now he is singing in it and can share his happiness with the listener and spectator. Honestly, it is worthy of an ovation, for the words of Monatics have awakened motivation not only in me and charged with vivacity. Believe in yourself, fulfill your dreams and dreams of others,
and let the whole world be turned around.
Producer of the TV show «Girlfriends»
Marysia Tomashevskaya
Dmitry Monatik is a popular singer not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Before he became famous, he managed to take part in the TV projects «X-Factor», «Everybody Dance!», where he was able to show the world his talent as a dancer and singer. Undoubtedly the path to recognition and success was difficult and long. The hits written by Dima were loved not only with the adult audience, but also with children. And some children participated in the television project «Voice-children» and even got into the team of the star coach of Monatik.
Angelina Struk - nine-year-old TV presenter of the popular all-Ukrainian project «Girlfriends» (TRC «RAI»), is engaged in professional show-dance and sports ballroom dances at Vlad Yama’s dance school. A year ago, Angelina on the self-accumulated money acquired a cap of the same color and style as that of Dmitry Monatic, in which the artist was shot in one of the sensational clips. Monatik became a kind of motivation for the girl: to work on herself without restraint and believe in yourself. When Alya got to the press conference of the artist, as well as to the gala concert, which was held in the Sports Palace in Kiev, her emotions could not be described in words. And so, together with her parents and producer, the girl left her native city of Ivano-Frankivsk for a meeting with her beloved artist.