Владелица IQ Model Agency, Анастасия Селихова о цене успеха
I went to this for a long time, hatched this idea, and not so long ago, my child saw the world. I immediately formed the basic principles of our model agency - an individual approach, a clear strategy for building a career model, taking into account external factors. I will say one thing, if you have a plan, you can succeed.
Editorial always with a special attention chooses the one Top Models. After all, the success of the girl should delight, the rhythm of life - inspire, and plans-motivate. And here it is, the editorial choice - ANASTASIA SELIKHOVA. The winner of Vice Miss and Miss Perfection in the «Miss Amour» competition, finalist in the «Miss Far East» competition, Best Russian Model according to the all-Russian competition «National Crown of Russia 2015». The model actively participates in television projects, one of which is the “Top Model of the Far East». Today, she is the owner of the IQ Model Agency, which in a short time has achieved high results and has already managed to get into the list of nominees for the Noise Award, as one of the loudest projects of the year! She also became the regional director of the All-Russian contest «You are unique».
Светлана Кратько: Материнство и саморазвитие – две составляющие жизни женщины
Maternity and self-development are two components of a woman’s life, making her a happy mother and a wise wife. Such a loving, filled and feminine is SVETLANA KRAT’KO. She spoke about how she manages to combine the care of the family and the development of herself
as a strong and diverse personality
Believe In Yourself
So in my life it happened that I chose the path of my development in motherhood. Most of the time I devoted to family and home comfort. It can be said that I am a mom with experience, because I have three beautiful children. I believe that it is never too late to “pull myself together” and find time to realize ambitions. So I was trained in three model schools, which helped me gain self-confidence and understand that I am on the right track. I had to hear more than once that came late for modeling. But I believe and know that a woman is beautiful at any age. Her wisdom and maturity are also in demand. I want to give hope and a chance to look for new ones when the children have grown up and you can devote more time to yourself. I want to be an example for those women who in the early years devoted themselves to the family. Remember that there are always new stages and new doors. You just need to search, learn, love yourself and believe in the best.
A Unique gift
As a child, I found an interest in healing. Now, as an adult, I understand that I received this gift from my great-grandmothers. I have always been attracted by something mystical, something that cannot be explained by logic. I am one of those women that are looking for. Looking for answers to questions - why are we here, who am I, what is the meaning of life. The time has come, and my ability to heal people’s souls and physical pain began to unfold. People came to get help, but they were my best teachers. Perhaps one of them, opening the magazine and reading my story, will see that I am grateful to each of them.
DJ Euphoria – взрывающий фейерверк эмоций и настроения
A talented vocalist & DJ AlEna Bellucci | EUPHORIA who is distinguished by an unusual presentation and approach to music, with beautiful vocal notes performed by her. DJ Euphoria - exploding fireworks of emotions and mood, this is what fills her DJ show.
It’s not a problem for a girl to work in a variety of musical styles, such as EDM, big room house, progressive-house. The most important thing is to remember the artist. Forget Alena impossible. Her bright costumes, enchanting images - this is what gives the energy to the audience on the dance floor. This approach is simply necessary if you want to charge the audience and bring them to a state of ecstasy. All these actions lead to the logical success: in 2017, Alena Bellucci released the album «I remember», which included 15 author’s songs.
Оксана Гозенер с гордостью: Я - русская модель!
We cannot argue with the fact that Russian women are the most beautiful, And some Russian beauties make people believe that we can not only stop a horse, but also conquer the whole world. We know a girl who every day proves that if you believe in yourself, then New York will be yours. Large podiums, prestigious fashion houses, impressive contracts have long become models calling card.
Today OKSANA GOZENER is a famous Russian top model, who, in addition to a successful career in the fashion industry, receives a highly qualified education in America in order to be able to expand the range of her interests and opportunities. Also, the girl is actively involved in sports and interior design. “If only there were more hours in a day, I would manage to do everything in the world,” the model laughs.
Вера Заудальская: вперед покорять мир!
Leaving her small-town roots behind at the first opportunity, Vera rushed away to conquer the world. But the conquest wasn’t without difficulties to this ambitious girl, having to balance her university studies with her new role as a mother. Undeterred, she kept going and graduated with honors and an important life lesson--nothing is impossible with courage, self-discipline and good relationships with people. She quickly climbed the career ladder, achieving the position of financial director at a major hospital. But Vera’s life does not stand still; it is a constant change of events. She took up modeling on a whim and what started out as a hobby has become an important aspect of her life. Today, she combines her favorite activities: PR and marketing; she is promoting the book «Heir of Ra», which was written by her favorite author and partner in life.
Мany people want to understand the secret formula for Vera’s success. But the truth is, there is no secret formula. The most important thing is passion and hard work. Instagram may make things look easy, but combining career, hobby and personal life is all but that. It involves sleepless nights with a book in one hand and a child in the other, or waking up at five in the morning to squeeze in a workout while others in the house are sleeping, or going to foreign language lessons after work when you can hardly even pronounce your own name. But when you see the results, it’s all worth it. And that the feeling that gives you wings.
Модель с румынскими корнями Мона Лиза Радулеску снялась для Модного Дома
Romanian models successfully conquer the global fashion industry. But, as a rule, rarely anyone gets to Karl Lagerfeld right away - it all starts with model agencies. It is there that from season to season nuggets are processed and, as a result, they are released into the open sea of world glory. Mona Lisa Radulescu is one of those. This top model, originally from Romania, has managed to make a dizzying career on the runways of the world. This girl has achieved success abroad and has become known in the world of modeling business. She has come a long way before gaining popularity. Today, she works in America and inspires many by example that dreams come true if you make an effort.
Полина Якубова: главное в мелочах!
From the age of 15, she has participated in fashion shows and shootings in her native city, St. Petersburg. At that time dreams of long journeys seemed so unreal. And Polina decided to enter the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hotel Management of the Institute of Management and Law in St. Petersburg. This education, according to the girl, could give impetus to the realization of her plans. But it all started only thanks to Ksenia Davydova (Ru Space agency), who was previously a model and later opened her own model agency in Munich. Thanks to Ksenia, Polina traveled to many European countries, Asian countries, and visited Mexico. But the most important imprint left the first model trip to the country where three cultures merge: Chinese, Indian and Malaysian. It was a trip to Singapore that gave our heroine true friends, a new world perception and understanding of herself. Now the girl is actively involved in charity - helping animals and the elderly. In St. Petersburg, she supports two cat shelters.
I try to communicate with people who live not only for themselves, who try not only to take, as people get used to in our consumer society, but also to give something to the world, help someone, support, save someone’s life, let at least one. I believe that human life is too short, and its meaning is in constant self-improvement and development, which are impossible without creation. There are people who spray everything that nature has given them, but there are those who collect themselves by bits, as a designer, eventually finding harmony and happiness. I also belong to the second type. For some reason, many people think that it’s inconvenient and even indecent to say that you are engaged in charity. And I, on the contrary, believe that it is necessary not only to tell, but to shout as often as possible and louder, this soul cry has reached someone else’s heart. Great is in the small. And kindness begins already when we do not pass by a hungry cat or dog, or when we give up a place in the transport for some old people...
Алена Шилова: Женщине под силу все!
Аlena Shilova has several tasks at once - she gets another education in the speciality of Clinical Psychology, is engaged in boxing and travels a lot with her beloved man. “World is yours” - these words characterize the girl as precisely as it’s possible, because it’s not in her principles to give up. Everything is simple, in life there are two types of people: some are drifting, while others set the direction. It is not difficult to guess what will be the choice of the girl.
Сила женской энергии в Виктории Самсоновой
he is not a Miss World, not a head-manager of the 100-member company, not a TV presenter, or even a popular blogger. She is just a harmonious woman, the wife of a successful husband and a mother of many children! Victoria sincerely believes that in the modern world a strong and friendly family is truly an achievement! Choose a family for a woman is rather a plus. The main thing is that she should continue to develop at home and be able to invest the best in children. At 37, Victoria is a regular student who never gets tired of knowing her feminine nature and knows that only those who work on themselves every day can get a result! She develops all the time - sports, learning foreign languages, vocal and so on. For the girl is very important mode of the day and its schedule. Therefore, she wakes up at 6 am and does a lot in a day. Victoria has a principle: her children are only her children! She sincerely believes that children need first of all a mother. Harmonious mother, as well as husband needs a loving, believing in him and a developing wife. She has everything for happiness - a loving husband, healthy children, a beautiful home and wealth. And everything that happens around her is the result of causation, not witchcraft.
Валерия Припасникова - юная фигуристка в деле
How little we know about exhausting workouts, early ups, failures and successes, but the young figure skater Valery Pripas-nikova knows, overcomes and wins. Yes, yes, this seven-year-old baby has so much strength that an adult would envy. The energetic and purposeful girl was rewarded for her work and now she is admiring medals, certificates and cups. But sport is not a single passion of the girl, the fashion world has not remained without her participation, too. The young fashion model was published not once in the FASHION BOOK, TOTAL LOOK, EXCLUSIVE, and also participated in fashionable design shows. Increasingly, Valeria catches herself thinking that she wants to have even more time to manage to unite all her hobbies and realize her desires. And the title «Miss North Star 2017/ 2018» - does not allow her to forget to shine as often as possible.