Ксения Балобанова: нести добро в мир и открывать сердца людей!
All that we need is to distribute energy correctly, to realize our talents, to enjoy every moment of life, to love and admire the world around us.
А true woman radiates a special inner beauty that cannot be achieved with the help of cosmetics and external attributes. When a woman connects with her feminine energy, she becomes able to be herself. How to create harmonious relationships, increase self-confidence and self-love, awaken femininity and raise happy children to these and other questions, knows the answers the female world guru, psychologist, individual and family counselor, expert in the field of relationship psychology, author and trainer, as well as numerous seminars and workshops for women - Ksenia Balobanova. Her mission is to bring good into the world and open people’s hearts for love, she realized in her brainchild - the Training Center of Vasily and Ksenia Balobanov. This is the only professional training center in Russia, where happy married couple, who have been together for 17 years, conduct classes. Since the center opened its doors, it has immediately become the second home for its visitors. This is confirmed by many clients who have experienced and confirmed the effectiveness of these methods. Also, Ksenia shared the great news that not so long ago, they created and registered a charitable foundation to help people in difficult life situations “You are important”. After all, only by good actions, you can change the world for the better.